Ee Figure 6b).(a)(b)Figure 6. six. (a) Hermetically sealed unit for electronics; (b) O-rings with the hermetically sealed unit. Figure (a) Hermetically sealed unit for electronics; (b) O-rings on the hermetically sealed unit.2.3. SevROV Motion Mathematical Model 2.3. SevROV Motion Mathematical Model 2.three.1. Kinematics Model the SevROV 2.3.1. Kinematics Model ofof the SevROV The common motion an underwater robot in six degrees of freedom in a a fixed frame The general motion ofof an underwater robot in six degrees of freedom in fixed frame related to the body withb ob as the origin is described by the following vectors: associated with the body with o as the origin is described by the following vectors:e n n (p b b f b fb p p (orore p)) b/n b/n , = = = b / n b/n b / n , v v = b / n , bb bb , == nb nb nb m b mb nb(1) (1)exactly where R3 S3 denotes the vector of position and orientation, exactly where the vector of where R 3 S 3 denotes the vector of position and orientation, where the vector of poposition pn R3 –is the distance from NED to Body, expressed in NED coordinates, b/n 3 n sition b /S3 Rthe vectordistance from NED R6 denotes vectors in NED coordinates, nb p n is –is the of Euler angles, v to Physique, expressed of linear and angular 6 6 three is that are decomposed in fixed denotes vectors linear to describe vevelocities, the vector of Euler angles, av R frame, and Rofis employed and angularforces nb S and moments acting around the apparatus within a stationary frame6of reference (see Figure 7): locities, which are decomposed within a fixed frame, and R is employed to describe forces xb is usually a longitudinal axis (Sarizotan manufacturer directed from stern to bow); and moments acting on the apparatus inside a stationary frame of reference (see Figure 7): yb is really a transverse axis (directed to the right side); xb zb is longitudinal axis (directed from stern to bow); is actually a a regular axis (directed from top rated to bottom). yb is actually a transverse axis (directed for the suitable side); zb is often a standard axis (directed from leading to bottom).Troriluzole Autophagy Drones 2021, 5, five, FOR PEER Overview Drones 2021, x10 of 19 ten ofFigure 7. Body frame b , y , z)) the NED frame (xn yn n). Figure 7. Physique frame (x(xb,byb,b zbinin the NED frame, (xn, zyn, zn).The kinematics model on the ROV in vector atrix kind has the type [17,18]The kinematics model on the ROV in vector atrix kind has the form [17,18] . = J (=)Jv vpb/n . nb.n b b/n Rn 03 three = n b nbn b b p b / n 03 b (nb) nb) three b/n b / n. 0 T ((2)wherenb= 0 3b . T (nb) b / n(2)wherepn b/nb b/n pn Rn (nb) 03 b/n , v = b , J = , b n b 03R n ( nb)0 T nb pb / n b nb b/n b / n 33 = , v = b , J = , T ( T nb T nb = [ , , T , nn = [u, , w]T ,33 b = p, nbr)] , 0 ] b/ = [ xn , yn , zn ] , [ q, b/n b/n=n T n b and matrices of = [ , Rn (T ,) and transformation T (nb)u, , w]T ,type = [ p , q , r ]T p b / n rotation n ,b n ]nb nb = [, , ] , b / n = [ possess the b / n z n cc -sc css ss ccs n and sss -cs (nb) have the form and matrices of (nb) = Rb ( nb)cc transformation Tssc , Rn rotation sc b -s cs cc – sc css ss ccs (3) n 1 st ct = -s Rb (nb) 0 s cc sss 1- cs ssc , T-1 (nb) = 0 c cs T (nb) = 0 c -s – s cs cc cc 0 -s 0 s/c c/c,exactly where s= sin( and c= cos(.- s 1 st ct -1 – s T ( of) = 0 c c 2.3.2. Dynamics Modelnbthe SevROV cs T (nb) = 0 0 – s c rigid 0 s / c c The dynamics model in the ROV as a c body is expressed as [17,18]: / cMv C(v)v D(v)v g = ,.(3)exactly where s= sin( and c= cos(.where(four)two.three.2. Dynamics Model with the SevROV The dynamics model on the ROV as a rigid body is expressed as [17,18]:Mv.